Sarah Thorp

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Sarah Thorp is the owner and founder of  Room 212.  Sarah makes jewellery, upcycles vases with decoupage and paints with acrylics, watercolour and inks.  She is a member of the North Bristol Artists, for which she handles the press and publicity, and exhibits on the trail with other artists North Bristol Art Trail. She also takes part in other art trails and exhibitions

In 2013, Sarah decided to bring together all her art contacts under one roof. Room 212 was originally a pop up art gallery on Gloucester Road (the longest street of independent shops in Europe) and seemed the perfect setting. Her concept for Room 212 was to provide a hub for local artists, both established and emerging. Most of the artists help in the shop and this gives Sarah a chance to brainstorm ideas for the monthly themes, exhibitions and events for which Room 212 has become renowned. She also helped to set up 212 Productions, a fine art printing business.

Sarah is a jewellery maker, upcycles vases with decoupage and paints. She takes part in various Bristol art trails and opens her home up for the North Bristol Art Trail

As a business owner and resident on Gloucester Rd, Sarah has been instrumental in creating Glos Rd Central, to promote the independent traders and community groups in the area and improve the street scene. She created the Gloucester Road Art Banners to bring colourful artwork to the high street.  Sarah puts on events such as Glos Rd Central Mayfest, the North Bristol Art Trail and Gloucester Road Christmas Street Party and is a nominated Champion for the Avon Wildlife My Wild City Project She introduced planters of flowers and shrubs out on the wide pavements of Gloucester Road funded by the local BCR Neighbourhood Partnership (for which she is the Trader Rep). The installation of planters was filmed by BBC Springwatch which was aired in May 2016. Sarah runs the Glos Rd Central facebook account as well as all the social media for Room 212.

She is passionate about environmental issues and created an Eco House to the rear of Room 212. This lovely little house was built with sustainable materials and has a flower filled garden, living willow hedge and 2 living roofs to encourage bees and other pollinators.   She was commissioned to create a painting for the second series of ITVs Broadchurch. A print of the painting is available here

Sarah enjoys the buzz of the creative scene in Bristol and on Gloucester Road. Her energy and enthusiasm has ensured that Room 212 is a welcoming and eclectic showcase to the artistic talents of those around her and she loves every minute of being there!

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