Stewy is a Bristol based Street Artist.
His stencil of Cary Grant appeared on the Room 212 wall 6 years ago. Cary Grant grew up in Bishopston, Bristol and attended Bishop Road School, just round the corner from Room 212, off Gloucester Road.
The building where Room 212 is based was a newsagents throughout the 20th century so the young Archibald Leach (Cary Grant’s original name) must have bought his comics from here!
Stewy’s artwork is part of an expanding library of life-size, hand-cut stencils and includes a series of British Icons, placed in an area significant to the person.
He has also created a series of images representing the A to Z of Indigenous British Animals. These images have progressed from small black and white pigeons, created in 2007, to his most recent work, a 6ft high white horse. Stewy is interested in humour, beauty and the unexpected. He places animals in an urban setting to highlight the notion of nature reclaiming the city.
Stewy is based in Bristol and his work can be seen in London, Bristol, Brighton, Hastings, Birmingham and Manchester and Berlin.
An expanding library of hand cut life size stencils of common native British animals and icons. These images represent those who once lived in Bristol and can be found out and about on the streets of the city.
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