Rosalind Moreno-Parra at Alchemy198, Feb 1st

Rosalind Moreno-Parra will be performing at Alchemy 198 on February 1st, 8pm in the Downstairs Gallery.  No admission charge but a hat will be passed round.

She is an English-born Spanish singer and Voiceover artist whose mother is from Madrid, Spain.

She plays the new and perfectly formed bar Alchemy with her band, bringing a passionate fusion of Ladino, Latino, Tango & Spanish folk through both original songs and covers from Hispanic singers around the world.

She sings primarily in Spanish but also in Ladino, which has its roots in the musical traditions of the Jewish communities of Medieval Spain and Portugal.

Powerful, haunting melodies, complimented by Rob Vasey-Guitar, Carola Hengstenberg-Violin, Joe Evans-Double Bass and Nachete Rodriguez on Cajon

“Makes you want to cry and celebrate all at the same time.”

Rosalind Moreno Parra